KaiOS Apps Radar

Fun ON

Fun ON

More Informations:

NameFun ON
SummaryThe Funniest Jokes in three languages
DeveloperM Zubair Talha
DescriptionFun ON is a fun-filled application that provides users with endless jokes and humor. We've updated the interface and added a share option, so you can now share jokes with your friends and family. Additionally, we've updated our collection of jokes to keep you entertained. With a vast collection of jokes in Urdu, Bengali, and English, this app is sure to tickle your funny bone and leave you in splits. Whether you're feeling down or just want to brighten up your day, Fun ON is the perfect app for you. It has a user-friendly interface and easy-to-use navigation, making it suitable for people of all ages. So download Fun ON today and laugh your heart out with our hilarious collection of jokes.
Last Update 02/09/2024
Developer Sitehttps://github.com/mzubairtalha

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